Lövskärs Ting-Ge-Ling ”Gaia”
Dam: La-Fon On Fire With Lövskärs HD-B
Gaia is a smaller bitch (37 cm) who is still square in body proportions. She is feminine, moderately angulated, long neck and sweet expression. Gaia is maturing slowly. In temperament she is always happy, friendly and wagging her tail constantly.
Gaia has shown once with EXC from breeder-judge.
HD-C/B , ED-0 , PL-0 , LTV-1 , VA-1, SP-0, eyes – no inherited eye diseases
PLL&NCL&PRA3&RCD4&Pit.dw clear

Lövskärs Under The Twinkling Little Star ”Adalia”
Sire: Fi Ch Gyalwans Born As Emperor HD-A
Dam: Fi Ch Now I´m Here of Darkness HD-C
Adalia is a taller bitch (40 cm), well angulated, long neck, super coat quality.
Adalia has shown with 2xCAC
HD-A, ED-0, PL- , LTV-0, VA-0, SP-0 eyes –
PRA3 & RCD4 & Pit.dw her.clear

Lövskärs Under The Happy Seventh Heaven ”Elli”
Sire: Fi Ch Gyalwans Born As Emperor HD-A
Dam: Fi Ch Now I´m Here of Darkness HD-C
Elli is 38 cm, very sturdy and strong in body, well angulated, moderate neck, coat with a lot underwool.
Elli has shown with res.CAC from Finland and Sweden, res.CACIB from Sweden and CAC from Norway and Estonia
HD-A, ED-0, PL- , LTV-0, VA-0, SP-0 eyes –
PRA3 & RCD4 & Pit.dw her.clear

Lövskärs White Lotus On Yamdrok Tso ”Valma”
Sire: Lövskärs Under The Magical Black Moon HD-A
Dam: Lövskärs Seng-Shangri-La HD-A
Valma is strong girl about 38 cm, strong head and muzzle, long neck, nicely angulated all over, super coat quality.
EXC from dog shows.
HD- , ED- , PL- , LTV- , VA- , eyes –
PLL, PRA3, RCD4 & Pit.Dw her.clear

Goldilocks z Helmowego Jaru ”Lola”
Sire: Ch Idomeneo King Djomo Gangkar
Dam: Visenya Victrix Targaryen z Helmowego Jaru
Lola is our new golden star.
HD- , ED- , PL- , LTV- , VA- , eyes –
PLL & NCL & PRA3 & RCD4 & Pit.Dw & DM her.clear