
Lövskärs Xtra Special Buddha’s Footprint ”Atlas”
Sire: Fi Ch Zazaran Royal Touch
Dam: Fi Ch Now I’m Here of Darkness
Atlas is our new future star. I wanted to keep a female from this litter, but a male of this quality had to stay home.
HD-, ED , PL- , LTV , VA, SP, eyes –
PLL not tested, NCL&PRA3&RCD4&Pit.dw clear
For stud

Lövskärs Seng-Samtse ”Bono”
Sire: Ch Hyväntähen Auervaara HD-A
Dam: Yarmilan Tibetan Treasure
HD-A, ED-0, LTV0, SP0
PLL & NCL clear by parentage
Bono is native lined bigger male (42 cm) who is moderately angulated, square in body, masculine head, slightly lower tail set. Coat is the best possible quality and very easy to groom.

Lövskärs Under The Black Magical Moon ”Bruno”
Sire: Ch Gyalwans Born As Emperor HD-A
Dam: Ch Now I’m Here of Darkness HD-C
HD-A, ED0, PL0, LTV1, eyes clear
PLL clear, NCL carrier, PRA3&RDC4&pit.Dw clear by parentage
Bruno is about 40 cm male is sturdy and strong in body, well angulated, masculine strong head, loin a shade long, absolute the best tempered teddy bear.